
Sutunam becomes an official partner with Vuestorefront

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Over recent months, our team has been working on the open source solution Vue Storefront.

Vue Storefront is an wonderful PWA solution for e-commerce platforms. It is standalone, platform-agnostic and headless PWA storefront, which allows connection with various backend solutions such as Magento 1, Magento 2, Prestashop, Hybris, Sylius, SAP, and much more. Simultaneously, this all-in-one PWA frontend helps to improve  your “old” Magento 1 significantly.

In addition to performances improvement, this solution also plays an helpful role in migrating from one CMS to another. For instance a migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2 or Sylius.

Using a headless frontend like VueStoreFront shortens the time you need for pushing your online store to life. You can upload and connect the new PWA frontend with Magento 1, while your technical team work with Magento 2 backend migration in the same time.

The technical architecture is shown as follows:

Our contributions to the project were greatly rewarded since we are now an official partner of the application.

What is PWA and its bright future for your e-commerce site? Check it out here and contact us to hire your Vue Storefront developer team.

About Kieu Anh Ngo

Production Coordinator in Sutunam