First developed in Columbia, the Escuela Nueva project creates a successful story in buiding a new school model providing active teaching and learning approach targeting in disadvantaged communities. It is truly inspirational model that has been replicated in many developing countries around the world, including Vietnam.
In Vietnam, the adoption of this method have known as The Global Partnership for Education – Vietnam Escuela Nueva (GPE -VNEN) project. It have been given $84 million bugdet support from World Bank and in operation for primary education level.
For the purpose of providing a “playground” for teacher to communicate and share their innovative ideas when adopting new school model, the Vietnam Ministry of Education (MOET) decided to establish an nationwide video competition as part of GPE-VNEN project. After thorough selection, Sutunam has been chosen as the technical consultant and platform provider for this contest.
We have built a website portal with many tailor-made functions for uploading, group modification, rating and video selection. Teacher’s exciting videos are displayed in clean and useful design makeing browsing easy for any users. Until now, more than 83000 users has been registered to website and thousands educational videos has succesfully uploaded to Youtube and showcased in this website, which make it possible to become an E-learning system.
See more about project in here